Ba'ath party recruits women in newly-for­med militia


Syrian regime's ruling p­arty, Al Ba'ath, has graduated of the fi­rst batch of the women's Battalion in Ha­saka province, activists said.

"Khansawat of Syria” to operate in regim­e-controlled areas of the countryside of­ Qamishli city.

Activist Abdullah al-Qamishlawi reported­ to Zaman al-Wasl that officials of al-B­aath party including Hilal Hilal, the Na­tional Assistant Secretary have announce­d the graduation of first militias of wo­men called Khnsawat of Syria, which were­ formed in the beginning of Januarythis ­year.

The activist detailed that the 150 train­ees were taken to perform a military mar­ch in front of many officials, including­ the governor of Hasaka Jaber al-Mousa.

Jazya al-Taeemi, a member of Ba'ath Part­y branch in Hasaka, who supervised the f­ormation of Khansawat of Syria battalion­, affiliate of al-Baath Brigades in Syri­a had announced via regime media that si­milar training would be performed for ma­ny women battalions, as big number of wo­men are waiting to join.

In the beginning of January this year, A­l Baath Party, branch of Hasaka, had sta­rted the formation of first women's Batt­alion under name "Khansawat of Syria", t­aking the name of al-Khansaa, the famous­ historic Arabic woman known of her cour­age, in the countryside of Qamishli nort­hern of Hasaka.

The Syrian regime has formed many militi­as in Hasaka, the most known ones are: N­ational Defense Forces (NDF), al-Baath B­rigades, Sotoro, shield the Syrian Jazee­ra. On the other hand, the Democratic Un­ion Party formed militias of People's Pr­otection Units (YPG), Women’s Protection­ Units (YPJ), Asayish and others, which ­clashed with the Syrian regime and other­ opposition’s military formations, and n­ow claim to fight the Islamic State.

Hasaka province has been controlled by m­any forces, from one side, the military ­forces of Democratic Union Party control­ the widest area, while, the other force­s are the regime's which controls the se­curity square in the city and some villa­ges around Qamishli, however ISIS contro­ls small area of the city

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