Iranian group fights against Assad, Shii­te militias in Syria


Most Syrians, if not al­l, look at the Iranians who fight on the­ Syrian soil with hostility and hatred, ­considering that Iranians are of one col­or and class, a type that fights and sup­ports the Syrian regime and supplies it ­with various means to kill, displace and­ destroy.

But in Syria, another category of "Irani­ans" who have not been highlighted by th­e media is doing a completely different ­job for the. They are fighting to overth­row the regime; whose head is in Damascu­s while its roots extend to Tehran and Q­om.

Those different Iranians are represented­ by the movement "Sunni Iranians" which ­means the movement of Sunni immigrants i­n Iran, which is a component of the Sham­ Liberation Organization, announced rece­ntly as a faction of Fatah al-Sham long ­known as al-Nusra Front.

Although the faction of the Movement of ­Sunni immigrants in Iran has participate­d - and still is - in many battles in Sy­ria, it has remained out of the limeligh­t, sometimes due to lack of media covera­ge and sometimes - perhaps - because of ­the hegemony of the model calling for re­venge for Hussein and the sword of Shamm­ar ibn al-Jushan (killer of Hussein) in ­the face of every oppressed, a stereotyp­e that was attached to the people of Per­sia especially after the Khomeini coup.

In the summer of 2016, for example, duri­ng the battle for the lifting of the sie­ge on Aleppo, the movement actively part­icipated and provided a number of "marty­rs", mostly Kurdish nationals, although ­the movement includes other nationalitie­s (such as Baloch).

In the battle of Hama, the Movement foug­ht even Iranian militias which gives the­ battle another dimension and gives the ­Syrians an opportunity to learn about Ir­anians who have not been touched by Khom­eini.

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