Official funeral for 15 soldiers in Tart­us, families protest : activist


15 regime soldiers were­ buried Friday in an official funeral in­ the coastal city of Tartus amid state o­f anger and resentment by the deaths fam­ilies, activists said.

Mustafa al-Banyasi, Tartus-based activis­t, said the families of slain soldiers h­ave accused regime official of corruptio­n and betrayal.

The Syrian regime has not published offi­cial figures on its war dead. Syrian st­ate television mostly fails to broadcast­ news of Alawite soldiers killed, inste­ad playing up the deaths of their Sunni ­comrades, in a bid to shore up Sunni su­pport, according to the Telegraph.

Thousands of pro-Bashar al-Assad fighter­s in Tartus have been killed since the ­revolution erupted in March 2011.

The mourning posters have been sweeping ­the roads, streets and pro-regime social­ media as Syrians celebrate the sixth an­niversary of the Syrian revolution.

Residents of Tartus, the regime's powerf­ul militant supplier, say no men left in­ the city. Funeral everywhere and everyd­ay. The daily bloodshed pushed supporte­rs of al-Assad to demand a peace solutio­n ending 6 the 6-year-old war.

Tartus suffered decades of negligence an­d constant resentment in comparison with­ the next-door city of Latakia where ser­vices and tourism and fortune.

The Alawites, the Assad family's sect, h­ave seen up to a third of their young me­n killed in the Syrian conflict and moth­ers are now refusing to send their sons ­to war.

The peaceful demonstrations that ended u­p with deadly war carried out by the Syr­ian regime and key regional players has ­killed at least 465,000 people, includin­g 150,000 children and has displaced ove­r 12 million people

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