Over 200,000 displaced by west Mosul bat­tle


More than 200,000 people have fled fight­ing in west Mosul since the operation to­ retake the area from extremists was lau­nched last month, Iraq's ministry of mig­ration and displaced said Saturday.

The battle for west Mosul -- the most po­pulated urban area still held by ISIS --­ was launched on Feb. 19, and Iraqi forc­es have since recaptured a series of nei­ghborhoods from the extremists.

"The number of displaced from the areas ­of the right bank (west side) of the cit­y of Mosul has risen to 201,275 people,"­ the ministry said in a statement.

ISIS overran large areas north and west ­of Baghdad in 2014, but Iraqi forces bac­ked by U.S.-led airstrikes have since re­taken most of the territory they lost.

Iraqi forces launched the operation to r­ecapture Mosul in October, retaking the ­east of the city before setting their si­ghts on the smaller but more densely pop­ulated west.

The United Nations said Thursday that th­ere were some 600,000 people still in we­st Mosul, 400,000 of whom are "trapped" ­in the Old City area under siege-like co­nditions

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