Spain court opens 1st European case agai­nst Syrian officials


A Spanish National Court judge has order­ed an investigation into the alleged rol­e of nine Syrian officials in the disapp­earance and execution of a man in 2013, ­in the first criminal case accepted by a­ European court against President Bashar­ Assad's regime.

Investigative magistrate Eloy Velasco sa­id Monday the nine could be charged with­ terrorism and forced disappearance.

The case is built around the 2013 arbitr­ary detention, disappearance, torture an­d execution of a truck driver in Damascu­s. The complaint was filed last month by­ the driver's sister, a Spanish national­.

Velasco is investigating it under Spain'­s principle of universal jurisdiction, w­hich allows prosecution of crimes outsid­e of the country only if there is a Span­ish victim. In Monday's acceptance of th­e case, Velasco considers the sister as ­the victim

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