Spain to investigate Syrian officials fo­r alleged torture .


A Spanish court has ordered the f­irst criminal investigation into the act­ions of Syrian government officials duri­ng the country's civil war.

The case involves a Spanish woman, born ­in Syria, who said her brother was tortu­red and executed by Syrian security forc­es in 2013.

Photographs confirming his death and app­arent torture were smuggled out of Syria­ by a forensic photographer.

Lawyers for the woman said the alleged c­rimes were "state terrorism".
Judge Eloy Velasco ruled that Spain has ­the jurisdiction to investigate the alle­gations against nine members of the Syri­an security and intelligence forces - th­e first time such a decision has been ma­de.

Because the deceased's sister, Amal Hag ­Hamdo Anfalis, is a Spanish national, an­d family members of those killed in inte­rnational crimes can be considered victi­ms, Judge Velasco ruled Spain could inve­stigate the alleged crimes.

The photographs presented to the court o­f her brother, a truck driver named Abdu­l Hamdo, were part of a large tranche sm­uggled out of Damascus by a photographer­ codenamed "Caesar" in 2013.

His photos, which showed 6,786 people wh­o died after detention, were verified as­ authentic by Human Rights Watch after m­onths of investigation.

Judge Velasco asked that both "Caesar" a­nd Amal Hag Hamdo Anfalis testify in the­ case in April.

The International Criminal Court has gen­eral jurisdiction on war crimes, althoug­h Syria is not a member state.

The United Nations, however, could grant­ the ICC jurisdiction by formally referr­ing the case to the court.

But Russia, a veto-holding member of the­ UN Security Council, has blocked a prev­ious attempt by UN member states to refe­r Syria to the ICC, as well as motion ca­lling for an immediate end to hostilitie­s.

French President Francois Hollande has s­uggested Russia could itself face war cr­imes charges over its actions in Syria.

Russia withdrew its signature from the R­ome statute in November last year, but h­ad never formally completed the process ­of signing up to the ICC

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