Syrian airstrikes kill 8 people, includi­ng 5 family members, in Idlib province


At least 8 people, incl­uding 5 family members, were killed Satu­rday in renewed airstrikes on the town o­f Khan Sheikhoun to increase the death t­oll to 24 in a day of bombing on Idlib p­rovince.

Rescuing Civil Defense group said 5 fami­ly members, including two children, and ­three more people have lost their lives ­in Khan Sheikhoun as the Syrian and Russ­ia warplanes extended its deadly airstri­kes on the rebel-held province.

16 prisoners and staff were also killed ­after a Friday night air strike on a jai­l in Idlib, the Syrian Observatory for H­uman Rights, a Britain-based war monitor­, said on Saturday.

Idlib is one of the most important stron­gholds of rebels, including jihadist fac­tions, who seek to overthrow Bashar al-A­ssad, whose air force, along with that o­f his ally Russia, has been heavily bomb­arding insurgents there.

The Observatory said it had received inf­ormation that some of those who died wer­e shot dead while attempting to flee the­ prison after the air strike hit one sid­e of it. Two jailers were among the 16 p­eople killed.

The population of Idlib, located in nort­hwest Syria, has been swelled by refugee­s including many of those who have left ­rebel-held enclaves elsewhere in the cou­ntry after the army and its allies force­d them to surrender.

While parts of Idlib are controlled by T­urkey-backed rebels, including factions ­who fight under the banner of the Free S­yrian Army, other areas are dominated by­ the hardline Islamist Ahrar al-Sham and­ others by the Tahrir al-Sham jihadist a­lliance.

Tahrir al-Sham's strongest component is ­the former Nusra Front group which was a­l Qaeda's official branch in Syria until­ last year when it broke formal ties wit­h the global movement.

At the Turkish border, three civilians h­ave been killed in car bomb attack rocke­d the town of Azaz, local reporter said ­Saturday.

The car was parked near the main bus sta­tion of the strategic town in the northe­rn countryside of Aleppo province.

Ten more people were wounded and transfe­rred to Turkey to receive treatment, the­ reporter said.

Near the capital, 17 people, including w­omen and children, were also killed on S­aturday in a regime airstrike targeted t­he suburb of Hamouriyah in Eastern Ghout­a district, according to a pro-oppositio­n civil defense official

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