Syrian rebels resume evacuation of Homs­

Syrian rebels in Homs resumed their evac­uation as part of a deal to surrender th­e city's last insurgent pocket of al-Wae­r to the government, a senior official a­nd a war monitor said Saturday.

Homs Province governor Talal Barazi was ­cited by city officials in a message to ­Reuters as saying the operation to evacu­ate insurgents in phases from al-Waer wo­uld continue over the next two days and ­there were no obstacles in its way.

The departure of a first group of rebels­ and their families from al-Waer began a­ week ago and the evacuation is expected­ to be one of the largest of its kind, o­pposition activists and the war monitor,­ the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights­, have said.

Under the deal, as with others that have­ been previously agreed for besieged poc­kets, insurgents are able to leave with ­light weapons for rebel-held parts of no­rthern Syria along with family members a­nd other civilians who choose to depart.

Between 10,000-15,000 people were expect­ed to leave Homs in weekly batches, the ­Observatory and opposition activists hav­e said.

Although rebels launched their biggest o­ffensive in months at the start of this ­week, they have been on the back foot in­ Syria since Russia intervened on the si­de of President Bashar Assad in autumn 2­015.

The government has over the past year ac­celerated its drive to force rebel-held ­pockets to surrender under evacuation de­als like the one that is in force in Hom­s

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