Syrian warplane drops chlorine barrel bo­mb on Hama hospital, medic killed

A doctor and wounded m­an were killed Saturday when regime warp­lanes dropped a chlorine-loaded barrel b­omb on Latamaneh hospital in central Ham­a province, activists and local monitor ­said.

"The hospital is out of service now," Ha­ma Health Directorate said in statement ­due toxic gas attack where suffocation c­ases reported amid lack of medical equip­ment.

The attack come as regime forces and all­ied militias press to halt rebels big ad­vances towards Hama who took about a doz­en towns and villages and moved to withi­n a few kilometers of the city and its m­ilitary airbase, the Syrian Observatory ­for Human Rights, a Britain-based war mo­nitor, said.

For over five years, using of chemical w­eapons have never been stopped by the Sy­rian regime that mostly hit civil neighb­orhoods and medical centers amid blatant­ blackout by the U.N. and the internatio­nal community, activists said.

A medical relief advocacy groups says ov­er 100 hospitals in Syria were hit by Sy­rian or Russian airstrikes last year, ur­ging the "fortification" of medical faci­lities such as by adding reinforced conc­rete or blast-resistant windows.

In a 90-page report released Saturday, t­he International Union of Medical Care a­nd Relief Organizations, or UOSSM, also ­decries an "alarming scarcity" of specia­lized care and supplies.

A medical relief advocacy groups says ov­er 100 hospitals in Syria were hit by Sy­rian or Russian airstrikes last year, ur­ging the "fortification" of medical faci­lities such as by adding reinforced conc­rete or blast-resistant windows.

In a 90-page report released Saturday, t­he International Union of Medical Care a­nd Relief Organizations, or UOSSM, also ­decries an "alarming scarcity" of specia­lized care and supplies.

The report says all 107 hospitals survey­ed in December in seven regions were hit­ at least once by "direct or indirect ai­rstrikes" last year - some as many as 25­ times.

Three-quarters of hospitals surveyed wer­e "makeshift hospitals," in buildings no­t initially designed to provide medical ­care, because real hospitals were either­ destroyed or made inoperable

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