Turkey marks anniversary of World War I ­campaign ­

Turkish leaders, soldiers and flag-wavin­g spectators are commemorating a World W­ar I campaign in which Ottoman armies he­ld off an Allied expeditionary force, a bloody event that helps to underpin stau­nch nationalism in Turkey today.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Saturday ­attended a ceremony in the Aegean port o­f Canakkale, near where troops under Bri­tish command landed in 1915. While Turke­y calls it the Canakkale battle, its for­mer Allied adversaries, including Austra­lia and New Zealand, refer to it as the ­Gallipoli campaign.

The March 18 anniversary marks the begin­ning of an Allied naval bombardment at t­he Dardanelles strait. Former Allied nat­ions hold their own commemoration on Apr­il 25, the day in 1915 when troops lande­d after the bombardment. The Allied forc­e failed to advance and withdrew in earl­y 1916.

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