Al-Zabadani-al-Fuaa deal: Assad regime releases 750 Syrians

Assad terrorists released on Friday ‎hundreds of detainees to implement the al-Zabadani-al-Fuaa deal or the ‎‎"Five Cities" swap deal reached between ‎Tahrir al-Sham and Ahrar Al Sham on the one ‎hand and the Iranian side and the Hezbollah ‎terrorist militia on the other. The swap deal also ‎included the release of Qatari abductees by ‎the Iraqi Shia Popular Mobilization ‎Units.‎

Orient News correspondent Anas Tracy said Assad terrorists released 750 ‎detainees. 120  detainees reached in Idlib ‎countryside through al-Rashidin neighborhood ‎in western Aleppo, while 630 preferred to stay ‎in other areas.‎

Most of the released detainees were in the ‎regime-control areas. They were randomly detained by ‎Assad terrorists a short time ago. Some of ‎them were arrested two months and five ‎months at best.‎

The spokesman of Ahrar al-Sham, Mohammed ‎Abo Zeid" confirmed in an interview with ‎Orient Net that Assad regime was intransigent ‎in dealing with the issue of releasing of ‎detainees, ‎

Earlier on Friday, convoys of displaced people ‎from Zabadani and Madaya in the countryside ‎of Damascus, under the "Five Towns" swap ‎deal, arrived in Idlib, where they were ‎distributed among the cities of Idlib, most of them headed to Maara ‎Misrin.‎

It is noteworthy that the second phase of the ‎swap deal includes the displacement of the ‎remaining residents of Kafrayya and al-Fuaa, in ‎exchange for the displacement of 1,000 Tahrir ‎al-Sham fighters from the Yarmouk Camp in ‎south Damascus, with the introduction of ‎humanitarian aid to al-Waer neighborhood in ‎Homs and to the Assad-besieged areas south ‎of Damascus; Yalda, Beit Sahm and Babila), ‎and the release of the second batch of ‎detainees in Assad prisons, which consists of ‎‎750 detainees.‎

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