Assad regime hinders swap deal by delaying prisoners release

Buses of the displaced populations from al-Zabadani and Madaya towns are still waiting to be allowed to move from the Assad-controlled al-Ramousseh area, southwest of Aleppo, to the liberated al-Rashideen area, to continue to their final destination in Idlib.

The bus convoy is supposed to be allowed passage when Assad regime releases 1500 detainees from its detention centers, as a part of the swap deal.

Assad regime intentionally delayed the release of the detainees. They were supposed to be release in batches, and the process is expected to take a couple of days, sources familiar with the terms of the deal told Orient Net.

As for the populations of the pro-Assad Kefraya and al-Foua, they are present in the surroundings of al-Rashideen, the sources added.

On Wednesday, 5 buses carrying 158 opposition fighters from al-Zabadani town in Damascus countryside, 60 fighters from the eastern mountain overlook the town, and 150 people from the villages of Wadi Barada valley, left heading to Aleppo as a part of the deal.

Meanwhile, 46 buses, carrying the populations and 700 fighters of the pro-Assad Kefraya and al-Foua towns left heading to reach their final destination in the regime-held Aleppo.

The deal, which has become known to many as the ‘Deal of the Four Towns’ stipulates that the populations of the four towns, the pro-opposition al-Zabadani and Madaya and the pro-Assad Kefraya and Foua, should leave in several stages.

Al-Zabadani and Madaya populations would leave to opposition-held areas in northern Syria, while Kefraya and Foua populations would head to regime-controlled areas in Aleppo or Damascus countryside.


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