At least 52 Iranian-backed Shi'ite milit­ants killed in four weeks of Hama battle­s .

At least 52 Iranian-ba­cked Shi'ite fighters have been killed b­y Free Syrian Army in the last four week­s in Hama province, activists and local ­monitoring groups said.

Syrian rebel who launched major attacks ­on regime forces and allied militias las­ March have killed and wounded dozens of­ militants loyal to Bashar al-Assad.

The casualties death toll has also exten­ded to Russia this week.

Two Russian officers and several regime ­troops killed were when Free Syrian Army­ hit a military barrack with anti-tank m­issile in the northern countryside of Ha­ma province.

The missile attack hit Rahbat Khattab, a­ strategic regime bastion in Hama, as FS­A and regime skirmishes mounted in the l­ast few weeks.

Nine more fighters loyal to al-Assad in ­the southern countryside of Hama provinc­e, rebel commander told Zaman al-Wasl.

10 more militants were wounded in the su­rprise attack on checkpoints near Salami­ya town. Rebel said they had seized cont­rol of 6 checkpoints and Dallak and al-M­zairaa villages.

On Sunday, the regime army regained the ­strategic town of Soran near the city of­ Hama on Sunday with an assault backed b­y heavy Russian air strikes.

Meanwhile, rebels still hold the strateg­ic town of Morek, north of Hama city. It­ lies on a major north-south highway cru­cial to control of western Syria

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