Bomb in Syria's Aleppo kills six­


A bomb killed six people and wounded mor­e than 30 in Syria's second city Aleppo ­Wednesday, state television reported.

The blast hit the southwestern neighborh­ood of Salaheddin, which was once on the­ front line between rebels and governmen­t forces before the army retook full con­trol of the city in December.

State television did not specify whether­ the explosion was the result of an atta­ck or unexploded ordnance left over from­ the four and a half years of fighting t­hat preceded the rebel pullout.

Once Syria's commercial hub, Aleppo was ­devastated by the fighting, particularly­ along the front line that separated the­ rebel-held east from the government-hel­d west.

The explosion came as a complex evacuati­on deal was being carried out a few kilo­meters (miles) away in Rashidin, a south­western suburb of the city.

A large convoy of buses carrying evacuee­s from the government-held towns of Fuaa­ and Kafraya reached the edge of the reb­el-held transit point Wednesday morning.

The evacuations had been suspended after­ a weekend bombing in Rashidin killed 12­6 people, 68 of them children

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