Iran, Hezbollah "chief culprits" for conflicts in Middle East - Haley

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley told the Security Council Thursday that Iran was the "chief culprit" for conflicts in the Middle East, along with its "partner militia" Hezbollah.

"Iran and Hezbollah conspire together to destabilize the Middle East, and their actions are expanding. For decades, they have committed terrorist acts across the region," Haley said, and are propping up "Bashar Assad’s brutality".

"While this Council has paid too little attention to this growing menace, the United States will not," Haley added, promising to "speak up" and "act against their lawlessness".

The comments come one day after Trump’s top diplomat, Rex Tillerson, slammed Iran’s "alarming and ongoing provocations", announcing a "comprehensive review" of US policy toward the Middle East country.

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