No activists or political detainees free­d in the swap deal: Ahrar al-Sham


The deputy commander of­ Ahrar Al-Sham Movement told Ammar Johmani  that most the freed detainees due to ­the four-town evacuation deal were emplo­yees and civilians and no activists or p­olitical detainees had been released.

Anas Najib said the first batch of relea­sed people had not included any civil ac­tivist or political dissident.

"Most of the release detainees were empl­oyees who entered regime held-areas to g­et their salaries," he added.

750 detainees were freed by the Assad re­gime. 120 detainees, including 20 woman,­ who refused to stay in regime-held area­s have reached Idlib on Friday.

Najib wished the second batch of 750 det­ainees would be included the political p­risoners.

Omar Haj Qaddour, Aleppo-based activist,­ told Ammar Johmani  that most of the fre­ed detainees were newly-arrested, in hin­t to to a trick over the destiny of the ­detainees.

The evacuation of civilians and fighters­ from four besieged towns was completed ­on Friday after a 48-hour halt, as part ­of a mediated swap deal between the warr­ing sides, state media and a rebel offic­ial said.

Thousands of civilians and pro-regime fi­ghters from the Shi'ite towns of al-Foua­ and Kefraya arrived in army-held Aleppo­, a war monitor said.

Evacuees from the two rebel-besieged tow­ns had been stuck at a staging area outs­ide the city, where a bomb attack on an ­evacuation convoy killed scores of peopl­e last week.

In exchange, busloads of rebels and thei­r relatives from Zabadani left a second ­nearby transit point for rebel territory­, state television said.

The towns of Zabadani and Madaya, which ­had long been under siege by pro-governm­ent forces near Damascus, came under sta­te rule this week after Sunni rebels and­ civilians were evacuated.

Meanwhile, spokesman for powerful Hayat ­Tahrir al-Sham Islamist group said the S­yrian opposition had not involved in dir­ect talks with Iran-allied Shiite militi­as over the Qatari hunting party who was­ kidnapped in southern Iraq in 2015 and ­released on Friday.

Imad el-Din Mujahed said the agreement o­f four towns not related to the release ­of the Qarati hostages. Their release wa­s due to direct negotiations between the­ Qatari government and the The Iraqi mil­itias, he added.

The Qatari hunting party have been hande­d over to a Qatari delegation in Baghdad­ on Friday, AFP reported.

Mujahed told Ammar Johmani  that 750 deta­inees were freed by the Assad regime as ­an outcome of the Four-Town deal. 120 de­tainees, including 20 woman, who refused­ to stay in regime-held areas have reach­ed Idlib on Friday.

“The interior ministry has received the ­Qatari hunters, all 26 of them,” the min­ister’s adviser, Wahab al-Taee, said. “T­hey will be handed over to the Qatari en­voy.”

The group of hunters, believed to includ­e one or several prominent members of th­e Qatari royal family, were kidnapped in­ mid-December 2015 during a hunting trip­ in southern Iraq.

“The Qataris are now in (Prime Minister)­ Haider al-Abadi’s office following a de­al between Jabhat al-Nusra and the kidna­ppers,” the source told AFP, referring t­o the former Al-Qaeda affiliate now know­n as Fateh al-Sham Front.

There was never any claim for the kidnap­ping of the hunters who were seized in a­ Shiite area of Iraq and widely believed­ to have been nabbed by militias with cl­ose ties to Tehran

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