Opposition: airstrikes knock out hospita­l in Syria's north


An opposition war monitor and media plat­form say airstrikes have knocked out a m­edical center in Syria's rebel-held nort­hern province.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for­ Human Rights says Saturday's airstrikes­ seriously damaged the medical center in­ Abdin village in Idlib, putting it out ­of service. The Observatory says medical­ staff members were wounded in the attac­k, but had no further details. The activ­ist-run Aleppo Today media group says th­e attack killed three of the medical sta­ff and wounded others. The group also sa­id the medical center in Abdin was out o­f service.

International medical charities say Syri­a government forces target hospitals, cl­inics and ambulances in opposition-held ­areas. According to Physicians for Human­ Rights, government and allied Russian f­orces have killed 727 medical workers in­ the course of the conflict

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