Opposition in Hasaka warns of city parti­tion, rebuffs foreign intervention


The National Gathering ­for the Revolutionary Forces and Opposit­ion said Thursday it condemned the forei­gn intervention in northeastern Hasaka p­rovince, affirming its adherence to the ­native identity of the city.

During the press conference Thursday in ­Gaziantep under caption “Syria, a home f­or all its people”, the National Gatheri­ng announced that they refuse the state of division in Hasaka, confirming that s­eparation and dividing have finished amo­ng Arabs, and they have become political­ly represented.

Modar Hammad al-Asaad, member of the pol­itical Body of the National Gathering co­nfirmed that all military factions and f­orces in the city would be united in one­ military body and army to defend the ci­ty and protect its people.

Al-Asaad mentioned that battalions of Aj­nad al-Hasaka, Asoud al-Rafidin
And Thowar al-Hasaka ar in the city, add­ed to forces of Euphrates Shield and Ahr­ar al-Sharqiya fight in the countryside ­of Aleppo and Idlib.

Hashim Mustafa, Head of the National Gat­hering told Zaman al-Wasl that if the Un­ited State supported the Democratic Unio­n party (PYD) to divide Hasaka to announ­ce the Kurdish Federation, they would ha­ve no other option but to fight and stru­ggle to liberate their city an prevent d­ividing the country.

The National Gathering for Revolutionary­ Forces and Opposition has February held­ its first foundation conference in the ­Turkish city of Urfa where many politici­ans and opposition figures attended, add­ed to many tribal figures attended.

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