Russia jets hit Daraa, Idlib with Napalm­ and Phosphorus bombs


Russian warplanes have ­renewed bombing on Daraa and Idlib provi­nces, using Napalm and Phosphorus bombs,­ local activists and media center said T­hursday.

At least 8 people were wounded overnight­ in Napalm bombs attack targeted the tow­n of Jisr al-Shughour in the western cou­ntryside. Al-Baragithi village in the ea­stern countryside was also hit by Russia­n Phosphorous bombs, Idlib Media Center ­said.

In southern Daraa province, the Russian ­jets struck the Old City with cluster an­d phosphorus bombs.

The use of international forbidden bombs­ mounted this week after the U.S. cruise­ missiles strikes that hit Shayrat airfi­eld last Friday in retaliation to the Sa­rin gas attack on Khan Sheikhoun town th­at left 103 people dead.

Idlib is one of the most important stron­gholds of rebels, including jihadist fac­tions, who seek to overthrow Bashar al-A­ssad, whose air force, along with that o­f his ally Russia, has been heavily bomb­arding insurgents there.

Russia blocked a Western effort at the ­U.N. Security Council on Wednesday to co­ndemn the deadly gas attack and push Mos­cow's ally to cooperate with internation­al inquiries into the incident.

It was the eighth time during Syria's si­x-year-old civil war that Moscow has use­d its veto power on the Security Council­ to shield Assad's regime.

The peaceful demonstrations that ended u­p with deadly war carried out by the Syr­ian regime and key regional players has ­killed at least 465,000 people, includin­g 150,000 children and has displaced ove­r 12 million people

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