Syrian rebels recapture ground from regime forces near Hama

Syrian rebels recapture ground from regime forces near Hama 
 Syrian rebels on Saturday have recaptured ground lost to favor of regime forces this week in northwestern province of Hama amid heavy aerial bombing by regime air force, field sources said.

At least 10 regime troops killed in the rebels counterattack south of Helfaya town. Two tanks and armored vehicles were also destroyed.

Meanwhile, regime warplanes extended its aerial bombing on rebel-held areas, targeting towns of Suran and al-Zawwar near the pro-regime towns of al-Ghab Plain.

Last week, Syrian or Russian warplanes dropped incendiary bombs on areas of Idlib and Hama provinces just days after a deadly Sarin gas attack on Khan Sheikhoun town .

 The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Russian jets had used an incendiary substance called thermite in bombs they dropped over the towns of Saraqeb in Idlib and al-Latamenah in Hama, further south, on Saturday and Sunday.

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