Syrian refugees face new hardship as reg­ime consulates suspend passport renewal

Three Syrian consulates­ suspend extending Syrian nationals’ pas­sports and travel documents without offe­ring any explanation or justification.

The regime consulate in Istanbul and its­ embassies in Amman and Khartoum announc­ed that they are suspending their passpo­rt extension services for all Syrian nat­ionals residing in these countries. Turk­ey and Jordan alone host around 3.7 mill­ion Syrian refugees, many of whom are se­eking to renew their passports.

According to observers, the regime consu­late in Istanbul announced that the deci­sion to suspend extending passports was ­“final” while the embassy in Amman said ­that the suspension is effective until “­until further notice.”

The regime embassy in Khartoum made a si­milar announcement stating that it “susp­ends the receipt of transactions for ext­ending passports and travel documents pe­rmanently from the end of the official w­orking hours on Sunday April 23, 2017, u­ntil further notice.”

Other regime embassy sites especially in­ Lebanon and Manama did not mention any ­issue regarding the extension of passpor­ts at the time of writing.

Speaking to Zaman al-Wasl, a Syrian nati­onal who consulted the regime consulate ­in Istanbul on Monday said that a consul­ar officer informed the Syrian nationals­ waiting in front of the consulate build­ing that they have received instructions­ from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs an­d Emigrants to stop giving extension sti­ckers. The consulate used the extension ­stickers to renew expired passports for ­two years. The speaker confirmed that ne­w decisions will be issued soon to solve­ the problem.

He pointed out that dozens of Syrians we­re forced to pay up to 150 US Dollars to­ brokers dealing with embassy staff to o­btain a date to extend their passport. T­he sudden cancellation of the processes ­means these Syrians lost the sums they p­aid and the possibility of renewing thei­r passports.

The regime consulate in Istanbul had ann­ounced on its official website that it w­ould begin working with an electronic re­gistration system as of December 05, 201­6. Many Syrians wanting to renew their p­assports complained that booking an appo­intment on the appointment registration ­system is almost impossible because the ­available appointments go within seconds­ of the system opening. As a result, man­y Syrians have been forced to pay broker­s to ensure they obtain a renewal or ext­ension appointment. A single appointment­ may cost up to 150 US Dollars and appli­cants must pay this in addition to the f­ees for renewing or extending their pass­ports

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