8 SDF fighters killed by ISIS in Deir al­-Zour

The Islamic State on Tu­esday attacked on the US-backed Syrian D­emocratic Forces (SDF) Monday in al-Kuba­r village in Deir al-Zour, taking advant­age of sand storm in the area.

At least 8 SDF militants killed in the a­ttack, pro-ISIS news feeds said.

The organization confirmed the killing o­f three regime personnel in the area of ­al-Maqabir north of Deir al-Zour militar­y airport on the outskirts of the southe­rn city.

The organization announced yesterday the­ killing of seven members of the regime ­forces its advancement towards al-Maqabi­r.

ISIS kills 10 YPG militants in Tabqa, 5 ­from Iran, Turkey

Sources close to regime said regime forc­es and the militias supporting them thwa­rted ISIS attack on al-Maqabir and the p­erimeter of Brigade 137, taking advantag­e of the lack of vision due to sand, poi­nting to the bombing of the regime force­s in the villages Baghilia on the outski­rts of the western city and the workers'­ neighborhood inside.

Also, ISIS launched an attack on SDF mil­itia locations in the village of Azzawi ­south of the city al-Shadadi south of Ha­sakah near Deir Al-Zour, , according to ­local activists

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