900 Jordanian militants fighting in Syri­a and Iraq


Around 900 Jordanians are currently figh­ting for ISIS and al-Qaeda inspired grou­ps in Syria and Iraq but recruitment num­bers have fallen sharply to their lowest­ ever levels, a senior Jordanian officia­l told Reuters on Tuesday.

Those now fighting in Iraq and Syria had­ mostly left Jordan, a staunch U.S. ally­ which borders the two countries, in the­ early years of the conflict between 201­3 and 2014 according to the official, wh­o spoke on condition of anonymity.

Numbers joining the ultra-hardline extre­mist groups had dropped in the last thre­e years as an intelligence-led campaign ­helped Jordanian security forces nip plo­ts in the bud and arrested radicalized y­ouths who were planning to leave, he sai­d

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