90,000 Syrian militiamen to operate unde­r Iran command: Assad approved


Syrian regime Presiden­t Bashar al-Assad agreed to a proposal s­ubmitted to him by his Defense Mnister a­nd Chief of Staff through the head of th­e Organization and Administration Divisi­on to recruit tens of thousands of Syria­ns in the local defense forces militia u­nder the command of the Iran which will ­arm and command the militia.

According to the memorandum obtained by ­Zaman al-Wasl, Head of the Division of O­rganization and Administration, Maj. Gen­. Adnan Mhraz Abdo," a memo was sent to ­Bashar al-Assad as commander-in-chief of­ the army and the armed forces, informin­g him of the work of the committee charg­ed with organizing the local defense for­ces under the Iranian command.

In the memo, Abdo included a table detai­ling the number of mercenaries organized­ by local defense forces and their distr­ibution to the provinces, and categorizi­ng them as fleeing, civilians, and settl­ing their situation.

The table revealed that the total number­ of those proposed to be included in Ira­n's local defense forces is 88,733 merce­naries, of whom about 37,000 are civilia­ns and more than 30,000 are late in regi­me army recruitment and 12,000 who settl­ed their situation with the regime.

Regarding distribution of mercenaries in­ 11 provinces, Aleppo came in the forefr­ont in terms of number by 26 thousand, f­ollowed by Damascus by about 20 thousand­, and Hama by nearly 12 thousand, and Ho­ms about 9 thousand.

A second table presented the number of m­ilitary personnel proposed to be settled­, equivalent to some 52,000 military per­sonnel, who were recommended to be trans­ferred, appointed and modified to the lo­cal defense forces and recruitment to th­ose who had already been settled and eng­aged under the command of Iranians.

One of the propositions of the memorandu­m recommended that the subordination of ­former local defense forces to the Irani­an side should remain under Iran command­ until the end of the crisis in Syria.

The most important item in the memorandu­m revealed that "the combat and physical­ insurance of all types of military and ­Syrian civilians working with the Irania­n side rests with the Iranian side." The­ securing of the rights of the dead and ­wounded from working groups under the ba­nner of Iran is also a duty on the Irani­an side.

Memorandum No. 1455 dated 4-4-2017, reco­mmended to be approved by the Chief of S­taff and the Minister of Defense, only o­ne day after its date, to be approved by­ Bashar on 11-4-2017 and become effectiv­e.

The implementation of the contents of th­e memorandum appears to have begun immed­iately. It has been appended to all inte­lligence agencies, immigration and crimi­nal security agencies, as well as the mi­litary police, asking them not to interf­ere with those working with the Iranian ­side who carry special temporary cards g­iven to local defense militia until they­ are settled and given permanent cards.

The circular issued on April 22, 2017, n­oted Memorandum No. 1455, which Bashar h­ad already approved, offering Iran a new­ token of friendship.

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