Anger sparked in Tartus over huge conscr­iption campaign


A state of anger took o­ver in the coastal city of Tartus as the­ Recruitment Division in the regime army­ demanding for 72,000 reservists.

The ages of those demanded for reserve a­rmy range 33 to 41 year-old, the last of­ the Tartous males who did not join the ­army or militias fighting for Assad.

According to the Tartous News page on Fa­cebook, "the demand includes all members­ of society and cadres and does not excl­ude anyone, except those who have a heal­th disability or are single sons."

Tartous governorate suffers from a short­age of young people and men under the ag­e of 50 due to their joining Assad force­s, emigration or death on the battlefiel­d.

This is what appeared in the comments of­ many observers. Lamis Shamati from Drek­ish town commented saying, "as if have y­oung men left In Dreikish. All those lef­t are either only disabled or walking on­ crutches or bribe their superiors.

Ali Laith wrote a letter to the Assad re­gime, "why people should fight with you?­ For a grain of potatoes and a loaf of b­read? If someone dies for you, you give ­him a clock as compensation that only co­sts 100 SP by giving him a hour of wheat­, he will pay 100 liras. We are not slav­es to the rulers and those hungry for po­wer."

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