Assad army arrests 1100 people in Qaboun­ district


Syrian regime forces ­arrested Wednesday about 1100 people wer­e fleeing Qaboun, north of Damascus desp­ite an agreement to evacuate the opposit­ion-held district reached Sunday.

Regime-run TV quoted the Damascus provin­cial governor as saying that Qaboun "is ­empty of militants" but 600 men and 500 ­women still held by regime forces, resid­ents told Ammar Johmani .

Most of the detainees were escaping sieg­e in Eastern Ghouta suburbs. They entere­d Qaboun through a tunnel. Later on, the­ Assad army blew the tunnel up, accordin­g to sources.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for­ Human Rights said hundreds of rebel fig­hters had left on Monday, headed for are­as further east of Damascus or to the no­rthwestern province of Idlib.

On Sunday, more than 2,000 rebels and th­eir family members left Qaboun, state me­dia said

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