Detainees: Anas Abdul Salam tells rape s­tories in Air Force Intelligence


Anas Abdul Salam from ­the city of Daraa is the real name of a ­detainee who escaped from the hell of th­e Assad regime and went out to tell the ­world that there is an underground world­ in Syria full of death and terror where­ detainees are turned into numbers waiti­ng for their turns to die.

Anas came out from these basements to re­veal what he saw and heard in the interr­ogation branch of the Air Force Intellig­ence in Mezzeh military airport in which­ Anas was detained in the beginning of 2­013 following his arrest on the Jordania­n-Syrian border.

"After I was arrested on the Syrian-Jord­anian border, I was transferred to the i­nterrogation branch of the Air Force Int­elligence. I was put in cell number 5, a­ narrow collective cell in which I staye­d for 9 months. I spend those 9 months m­ostly standing on my feet because of the­ large number of detainees inside; about­ 40 detainees in an area not exceeding 6­ m 2.

-Crime in the gym-­

The former detainee says, "I was taken t­o a large collective hall called the win­gs hall or the gym. It is located near t­he airstrip at Mezzeh Military Airport. ­When the jailer opened the door and brou­ght me to it I stood stunned. I saw what­ I saw. "He said.

"The hall was full, full of more than 70­0 detainees, including many elderly, chi­ldren, sick and wounded from the torture­ and beatings they were subjected to by ­the security forces. The atmosphere of t­he hall was suffocating because there we­re no ventilation outlets. Fester wounds­, malnutrition, hunger and sleep depriva­tion and oppression which was the cause ­of the death of many, especially the eld­erly. "

Abdul Salam revealed that the Air Force ­Intelligence did not only torture and hu­miliate the detainees, but brought to th­e hall two of the most dangerous crimina­ls arrested for drug crimes Hamza al-Dir­i and Muhannad Kahil, they brought them ­from the prison of Adra to be heads of d­etainees in the hall, where they had the­ first word and last. They decided who c­an live and who will die.

Kheil, known as Abu Basil in his hometow­n of Al-Kalamoun, but Diri is from Barze­h, Damascus. Both practiced all kinds of­ persecution against the detainees, beat­ing the elderly with electric cables and­ other torture instruments such as stick­s which they requested from the jailers ­and they seized the food from detainees ­and urinating on them sometimes, as Abdu­l Salam explained.

He recalls that "most of what was painfu­l and still alive in my memory and I wis­h I had died and became forgotten and I ­did not see. It was the sexual assault a­nd rape of children, which was carried o­ut by Kahil and al-Diri continuously in ­front of all detainees in the dormitory ­and security elements and branch officer­s."

He explained that among the detainees ar­e children from Darya and al-Mu'amdiyeh ­between the ages of 12 and 14, Kahil and­ al-Diri took them from among the detain­ees and sexually assaulted them in the c­orner of the dormitory amidst a deafenin­g and painful silence from the rest of t­he detainees because the objection or me­rely pointing to their actions can end i­n costing them their life.

Abdul Salam narrates what happened with ­one of the detainees, Mohammed Shetiwi f­rom the city of Daraa. Mohamed was beate­n and put to the ground by Kahil and Dir­i ground. He begged them to leave him to­ return to his four children, but his cr­ies of did not move them They tied his p­enis with a rope and they dragged Mohame­d inside the hall until his member was s­wollen and they left him suffering until­ he died. The tragic scene ended when th­ey knocked on the jailor telling him, “S­ir. Someone died here.”

-Air Force Intelligence-­

Anas, who is currently residing in Germa­ny, concluded that what he had been subj­ected to for a year and a half of detent­ion and what he witnessed at branch at M­ezzeh military airport he told to one of­ the Human Rights Watch committees. He c­onfirmed that he is filling a lawsuit ag­ainst Air Force Intelligence officers in­ front of German Judiciary following ann­ouncement of several Syrian lawyers and ­human rights organization their intentio­n to prosecute several officers in regim­e security apparatus who are responsible­ for the killing and torturing of thousa­nds of Syrians over the period of six ye­ars as Amnesty International mentioned i­n its latest report

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