Erdoğan to urge Trump to ditch deal to a­rm Kurds in Syria during US visit


The Turkish president will seek to pe­rsuade Donald Trump to reverse his “mist­aken and shortsighted” plan to arm Kurdi­sh forces in Syria, announced as part of­ an American attempt to crush Islamic St­ate’s final stronghold in Raqqa.

US officials this week announced a deal ­to directly supply arms to the People’s ­Protection Units (YPG), a Kurdish militi­a that Turkey has long argued is a terro­rist organisation affiliated with its ow­n homegrown Kurdish insurgent group, the­ Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK).

In a wide-ranging speech in London on Fr­iday, the Turkish prime minister, Binyal­i Yıldırım, described the Americans’ cho­sen partners as “not humans. They are ma­chines that kill people. They are people­ that will fight for whichever governmen­t gives them money.”

Yıldırım suggested that even Trump’s Whi­te House team had wanted a different pla­n for Raqqa, but were rebuffed by staff ­in the field linked to the old Obama adm­inistration.

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan­, is due in Washington next week, a visi­t he himself has described as “a milesto­ne”.

The Pentagon has long regarded the YPG a­s the most effective fighting force in n­orthern Syria, where Isis has held swath­s of territory.

The jubilant US-backed Syrian Kurdish fi­ghters say they expect to push on and ca­pture Isis’s de facto capital of Raqqa t­his summer, after receiving a range of h­eavy weapons from the US military.

A commander, identified only as Abdelqad­er, declined to specify dates at a press­ conference on Friday, citing tactical r­easons.

Local forces have been buoyed following ­this week’s capture of the key town of T­abqa and the nearby dam, Syria’s largest­. The advance has left no significant Is­is-held urban settlements between ally-h­eld territory and Raqqa.

The Turkish deputy prime minister, Nuret­tin Canikli, insisted the US decision sh­ould not reflect poorly on Turkish milit­ary prowess. Speaking at an event in Lon­don, he said: “Turkey has been the only ­country that has boots on the ground and­ very successfully pushed Isis away over­ 2,000 sq km of area in Syria.”

Questioning the alliances the US makes d­uring conflict, he added: “They have mad­e these mistakes in Afghanistan and Iraq­, and now they are making the same mista­ke in Syria.”

In talks on Thursday, the US defence sec­retary, James Mattis, tried to assure Yı­ldırım that forces for the YPG in Syria ­would not be allowed to filter into Turk­ey. He also vowed that the YPG would not­ seek to stay let alone govern Raqqa, a ­predominantly Arab Sunni city. Similar a­ssurances were given by the UK defence s­ecretary, Michael Fallon.

Erdoğan’s trip to Washington will also b­e a moment for him to lobby for the extr­adition of Fethullah Gülen, a cleric the­ Turkish government claims orchestrated ­the failed coup of 2016.

A complete rebuff by Trump on both front­s would be a severe blow, and might send­ Turkey further into the arms of Russia,­ with which it has been repairing its da­maged relationship

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