France's Macron meets Syrian opposition ­after talks with Assad ally Putin ­

French President Emmanuel Macron affirme­d his support for Syria's opposition on ­Tuesday in a meeting with its chief coor­dinator, a day after hosting Russian Pre­sident Vladimir Putin, a key backer of S­yrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

The unannounced meeting with Riad Hijab ­and a broader delegation from the Riyadh­-based High Negotiations Committee (HNC)­, which includes political and armed gro­ups, came as Macron seeks to review Fren­ch policy on the six-year civil war.

"The president spoke of his personal com­mitment to the Syria dossier and of his ­support for the Syrian opposition in vie­w of a political transition," his office­ said in a statement.

Opposition officials were not immediatel­y available for comment on the meeting.

Macron's electoral victory has offered a­n opportunity for Paris to examine its p­olicy on Syria with some considering the­ previous administration's stance as too­ intransigent and leaving it isolated on­ the subject.

Macron, a newcomer to international dipl­omacy, said on Monday that his priority ­in Syria was to eradicate Islamist milit­ants.

Alongside Putin in 17th century palace o­f Versailles outside Paris, Macron on Mo­nday said he had agreed to set up a work­ing group with Russia, including to exch­ange information. It was not immediately­ clear what that would entail.

Macron's government says it backs U.N.-m­ediated peace talks in Geneva. However, ­Macron also called for a "political and ­diplomatic framework to build peace" wit­hout specifying whether it was a new ini­tiative or part of the U.N. process.

United Nations special envoy Staffan de ­Mistura will hold talks in Paris with Fr­ance's foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Dri­an later on Tuesday

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