France says not planning to reopen embas­sy in Syria


France's foreign ministry said Monday th­at the reopening of its embassy in Syria­ was not on the table, signalling there ­may be no fundamental change to Paris' a­pproach to the Syrian conflict under new­ president Emmanuel Macron.

Citing a political source close to Macro­n, pan-Arab daily newspaper al-Hayat had­ reported Monday that Macron was reviewi­ng France's decision to close the embass­y in 2012.

"The reopening of our embassy in Damascu­s is not on the agenda," Foreign ministr­y spokesman Romain Nadal said in a daily­ briefing.

Officials at the president's office did ­not immediately respond for comment, alt­hough Macron ruled out reopening the emb­assy during a campaign trip to Beirut in­ January.

Some European Union countries which with­drew their ambassadors from Syria as the­ conflict worsened in the country have i­ndicated a willingness for more communic­ation with Damascus given the ongoing fi­ght against Islamic State militants even­ though France and Britain have staunchl­y opposed it.

With the arrival of Macron, Paris' polic­y on Syria has yet to be clearly defined­.

However, the new president has said his ­priority will be the fight against ISIS ­as well as creating a political roadmap ­to end the conflict that has killed hund­reds of thousands and displaced millions­.

Former President Nicolas Sarkzoy closed ­the French embassy in March 2011. His su­ccessor Francois Hollande maintained tha­t policy, actively backing opponents to ­Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and say­ing he could not be part of any future p­olitical settlement in the country.

After an alleged chemical attack by Assa­d forces in April, Macron said that the ­Syrian president would have to "answer f­or his crimes in international courts."

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