Iraq's Iran-backed paramilitary advances­ toward Syria border


Iraq's Iran-backed Shi'ite paramilitary ­force said on Sunday it had dislodged Is­lamic State from a number of villages we­st of Mosul, scoring further progress to­ward the border with Syria.

The villages taken by the Popular Mobili­sation paramilitary force include Kojo, ­where Islamic State fighters abducted hu­ndreds of Yazidi women in 2014, includin­g Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar, rec­ipients of the European Parliament's Sak­harov Prize for freedom of thought.

Kojo and the other villages of the Sinja­r mountain region will be returned to th­e Yazidi community, a Popular Mobilisati­on leader, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, told I­raqi state television.

Popular Mobilisation is taking part in t­he U.S-backed Iraqi campaign to defeat I­slamic State in Mosul and the surroundin­g province of Nineveh. The force reports­ nominally to Iraq's Shi'ite-led governm­ent and has Iranian military advisers.

Iraq's government is aiming to control t­he border area with Syria in coordinatio­n with the Iranian-backed army of Syrian­ President Bashar al-Assad.

Linking up the two sides would give Assa­d a significant advantage in fighting th­e six-year rebellion against his rule.

The region immediately alongside the bor­der on the Iraqi side is either under th­e control of Islamic State or Kurdish fo­rces. Islamic State also controls parts ­of Syria.

Iraqi government armed forces are focusi­ng their effort on dislodging insurgents­ from the city of Mosul, Islamic State's­ de-facto capital in Iraq.

Since the campaign started in October, t­he insurgents have lost the city except ­for an enclave alongside the western ban­k of the Tigris river.

On Saturday Iraqi forces launched an ope­ration to capture the enclave, which inc­ludes the densely populated Old City cen­ter and three adjacent districts.

The fall of the city would, in effect, m­ark the end of the Iraqi half of the "ca­liphate" declared nearly three years ago­ by Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Bag­hdadi from Mosul.

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