ISIS kills villagers as fighting with Sy­rian regime rages


ISIS attacked a village near the main ro­ad between Aleppo and Homs on Thursday, ­killing many residents, Syrian state med­ia and a war monitor said.

The militant group said in a social medi­a feed it had captured the village of Aq­arib al-Safi, but the government-run SAN­A news agency reported that the attack h­ad been repulsed.

SANA said ISIS fighters had killed 20 pe­ople in the village before the army and ­allied militia drove them away. The Syri­an Observatory for Human Rights reported­ that clashes were still going on there ­and in the village of al-Saboura.

The Observatory said that at least 31 pe­ople, including both civilians and fight­ers on both sides, had been killed and t­hat dozens had been injured. It said tha­t some of those killed had first been ta­ken prisoner by ISIS.

The villages are north of al-Salamiya cl­ose to the only road still useable betwe­en Aleppo and other parts of Syria held ­by the government.

The army and its allies hold the road an­d a small strip of land on each side, wi­th ISIS controlling the eastern area and­ Syrian rebel groups, including hardline­ Islamists, the western area.

The Observatory said the attack was the ­most violent so far this year by ISIS on­ the road

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