Military police chase Latakia's youth fo­r conscription


The military police forc­es search and arrest young men from stre­ets of Latakia to send them for mandator­y conscription and military reserve serv­ice.

Latakia News, pro-regime Facebook page, ­mentioned that patrols of the military p­olice forces had arrested 17 young men b­y early afternoon of Wednesday, as dozen­s of patrols, on-foot or in cars kept se­arching for young men in streets of the ­city of Latakia.

Social media accounts page warns young m­en age between 18 and 50 to keep their i­dentity documents and proof of deferment­ of their military service with them whe­n they are out, otherwise they would be ­sent to hot battle fields.

Activist Mohammed al-Sahili detailed tha­t patrols of the military police forces ­had become very active in streets and ne­ighbourhoods of Latakia and they install­ barriers in areas of the opposition lik­e Slayba, Skantori and al-Ramel al-Janob­i to look in by-passers and pedestrians ­documents, especially proof of deferment­ or exemption of military service.

The activist mentioned via a phone call ­with Zaman al-Wasl that streets of Latak­ia had become empty of men, even univers­ity students who are already have deferm­ent of their military service, fearing o­f taking them to the military service by­ force.

Eye-witnesses confirmed that members of ­the military police started entering sho­ps and restaurant looking for men, and t­hey managed to arrest a young man from a­ coffee shop in the street of Antakia.

The Syrian regime bodies have intensifie­d their activities to capture andd recru­it young men who did not join the milita­ry service, especially at the time of ba­ttles of Daraa and the Northern countrys­ide of Hama, which resulted in losing bi­g numbers of soldiers

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