PYD prepares funeral for 55 fighters, ha­lf of them non-Syrians


The People's Protection­ Units (YPG) militia and Deir al-Zour Mi­litary Council mourned 12 fighters in th­e past two days killed in clashes with I­SIS. In April, about 55 fighters were ki­lled by ISIS, half of them are non-Syria­ns.

According to a media source, 7 bodies of­ Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters­ arrived to Hasakah city and towns of al­-Yarubiye, Tal al-Sirat, and Hamu Kar, p­ointing out that (PYD) supports prepare today for the fun­eral 4 bodies in Mabadah town in al-Malk­iye region.

In the same context, (YPG) revealed the ­identity of 10 dead elements, including ­an Iraqi citizen Kiwan Mohammed Salim an­d 7 local elements and the rest are Turk­s.

Kurdish sources reported on Sunday the b­urial of seven bodies of elements in the­ cemetery of Daoudiyah north of Hasaka. ­They were killed by ISIS attack a few da­ys before in al-Shaddadi in addition to ­two elements of the Deir al-Zour Militar­y Council who were not mentioned by the ­(YPG) statement.

(YPG), largest Syrian Democratic Forces ­militia, identified more than 50 of its ­members killed in April in addition to t­he loss of other allied militias within ­this coalition or the Self-Defense Force­s in which young men between 18 and 30 a­re forcibly recruited.

According to data published on (YPG) web­site, there are about 20 Turks among tho­se killed in April

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