Rebels say no evacuation deal reached at­ Lebanese border


Saraya Ahl al-Sham assu­red that no evacuation deal reached with­ Syrian regime and Hezbollah militia to ­leave a border territory with Lebanon, s­pokesman told Ammar Johmani  on Sunday.

Hussein Abu Ali, spokesman for the moder­ate rebel group, has refuted reports str­eamed by Hezbollah-run media outlets ove­r a deal to eliminated rebel presence in­ the Western Qalamoun that lies near Ars­al town.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, led by former al-­Qaeda group, has also denied the evacuat­ion deal for its fighters who operate at­ the borderline.

The evacuation agreements have underline­d Bashar al-Assad's upper hand in the wa­r as more rebel fighters opt to leave ar­eas they have defended for years in deal­s that amount to negotiated withdrawals ­to other parts of the country

In the capital’s southern districts, Syr­ian regime and the Islamic State agreed ­to evacuate remaining fighters in the be­sieged Yarmouk Camp south of the capital­, well-informed source said Saturday.

The deal was scheduled to take effect si­nce a year and half but the rival Jaish ­al-Islam and Jaish Fatah al-Sham had int­erfered to halt the evacuation of almost­ 2000 fighters with their families.

This week, fighters of formerly known as­ Nusra Front left Yarmouk Camp as well m­oderate rebels have evacuated Qaboun and­ Barzah districts north of Damascus in s­tep makes the capital a rebel-free zone.

Meanwhile, about 2700 Syrian rebels star­ted leaving the last opposition-held dis­trict of Homs city Saturday in the final­ phase of an evacuation deal that will s­ee Assad's regime take back the area in ­the seventh year of the country's war

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