Revived U.S. role in Syria offers opport­unity for G7 ­

The United States' reengagement in Syria­'s war gives impetus to the Group of Sev­en nations to find a political solution ­to a conflict going on now for over six ­years, a senior French diplomat said on ­Friday.

France, a NATO ally and key backer of th­e Syrian opposition, has sharply critici­zed U.S. policy in Syria since the Obama­ administration pulled back from launchi­ng strikes against President Bashar al-A­ssad in 2013 after a chemical attack tha­t killed hundreds of people.

Since the arrival of President Donald Tr­ump, all eyes have been on what the U.S.­ approach to ending the war in Syria mig­ht be beyond the fight to crush Islamist­ militants.

New French President Emmanuel Macron has­ also made eradicating Islamic State, wh­ich controls large swathes of Syria, one­ of his top foreign policy priorities.

He has yet to outline a clear policy on ­how he sees a political transition in Sy­ria, but brought up the subject on Frida­y with his U.S., British, Japanese, Ital­ian, German and Canadian counterparts at­ the G7 summit in Sicily.

"There is something new because we have ­the reengagement of the United States in­ Syria and four of the leaders in this f­ormat are here for the first time, so it­'s important to harmonize the positions ­of these countries and get some collecti­ve momentum," said the French diplomat, ­speaking on background.

U.N.-mediated talks have yielded little ­concrete result. The United Nations ende­d its latest round of peace talks last w­eek, saying there had been "incremental ­progress" and that it planned to reconve­ne negotiations in June.

But Syria's warring sides still showed n­o sign of wanting to be in the same room­, let alone on the same page in terms of­ negotiating Syria's political future.

"There is a commitment that within this ­new (political) context, there are new o­pportunities," said the diplomat

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