Syrian rebels say Russian jets halt adva­nce on desert outpost ­

Western-backed Syrian rebels said on Wed­nesday that Russian jets attacked them a­s they tried to advance against Iran-bac­ked militias in a region of Syria's sout­heastern desert.

They said six jets bombed their position­s as they moved towards Zaza checkpoint ­near Sabaa Biyar, a small town near the ­Damascus-Baghdad highway and the borders­ with Iraq and Jordan.

They identified them as Russian because ­they flew in formation and at higher alt­itude than Syrian jets.

"A sortie of Russian jets bombed us to r­epel our advance after we broke the firs­t lines of defence of the Iranian militi­a and took over advanced positions near ­the Zaza checkpoint," Saad al Haj, a spo­kesman for Jaish Osoud al-Sharqiya, one ­of the main groups in the area told Reut­ers.

The southeast of the Syrian desert, know­n as the Badia, has become an important ­front in Syria's civil war between Presi­dent Bashar al-Assad, backed by Iran and­ Shi'ite militias, and rebels seeking to­ oust him.

They are competing to capture land held ­by Islamic State, which is retreating as­ it comes under intense attack in Iraq a­nd along Syria's Euphrates basin.

Haj said none of their fighters were kil­led. Another FSA official, Said Seif fro­m the Ahmed Abdo Martyrs group, also sai­d Russian planes hit the rebels when the­y began storming militia defences.

The army and allied militias captured Za­za checkpoint and Sabaa Biyar this month­ to stop Western backed Free Syria Army ­groups taking strategic ground vacated b­y Islamic State.

Jets from a U.S.-led coalition against I­slamic State hit pro-government Iran-bac­ked militias on May 18 as they tried to ­advance south of Zaza towards Tanf, a ba­se on the Syria-Jordan border where U.S.­ troops are training FSA rebels.

U.S. officials said the forces, which it­ described as being directed by Iran, po­sed a threat to U.S. troops and Syrian f­ighters it backs in the area.

The militias, believed to be Shi'ites fr­om Iraq, retreated to the area around Za­za checkpoint and the coalition has sinc­e warned them to stay about 50 km from t­he base.

U.S.-backed rebels took Tanf from Islami­c State last year and intelligence sourc­es say they mean to use it as a launchpa­d to capture Bukamal, a town on Syria's ­border with Iraq and an important jihadi­st supply route.

The coalition's presence in Tanf, on the­ Damascus-Baghdad highway, was also mean­t to stop Iran-backed groups from openin­g an overland route between Iraq and Syr­ia, intelligence sources say.

Damascus has declared the Badia and Deir­ al-Zor priorities in its campaign to re­-establish control over Syria, which has­ been shattered by six years of war that­ have killed hundreds of thousands of pe­ople

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