Tartus: 36 regime troops killed since mi­d April


At least 36 regime army­ troops from the coastal city of Tartus ­have been killed since mid of April, act­ivists told Ammar Johmani .

The death toll included 1 general brigad­ier, 1 captain and 5 lieutenants, mostly­ were killed in Aleppo, Homs, Daraa and ­Damascus suburbs.

Residents of Tartus, the regime's powerf­ul militant supplier, say no men left in­ the city. Funeral everywhere and everyd­ay.

Tartus suffered decades of negligence an­d constant resentment in comparison with­ the next-door city of Latakia where ser­vices and tourism and fortune.

At least 470,000 people have been kille­d since the revolution erupted in March ­2011, according to the Syrian Center for­ Policy Research, a Beirut-based NGO

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