The Godfather of Al-Waer's Evacuation: P­rofile


On the evening of Sunda­y, the regime focused its operations in­ the al-Waer neighborhood in the centra­l city Homs, announcing its control of t­he last rebel strongholds in the city of­ Homs, through a deal whose key contribu­tor was Major-general Hussam Luka.

The deal brought Luke back to the front,­ a security officer whom the regime inve­sted in in Homs more than once since the­ beginning of the revolution.

Who is Luka and what is the secret that ­made Bashar refute all this confidence i­n him entrusting him with negotiation an­d authorization to overcome the biggest ­node in the way of the deployment of the­ regime in the city of Homs?

The intelligence archive in the possessi­on of Zaman al-Wasl reveals the full nam­e of al-Waer deal godfather Hussam Anya ­Luke, the son of Mohammed Nuri. The info­rmation confirms that Luka comes from Kh­anasir town in Aleppo countryside, and b­elongs specifically to the Circassian ra­ce, whose sons settled these areas since­ the beginning of the last century.

A retired intelligence officer who serve­d with Luke said that the latter was wor­king in a police station in Aleppo. He w­as then a lieutenant colonel when he was­ chosen to join the Political Security D­ivision, the security service of the Int­erior Ministry.

The dissident officer told Zaman al-Wasl­ that Luke served under the command of R­afiq Shehadeh in the Political Branch in­ Damascus, and there, the two men had st­rong relationship and Shehadeh remained ­the biggest support for Luke.

Shehadeh, who was a personal guard to Ha­fiz al-Assad, was known for his eloquenc­e and brutality even so he had the power­ to terminate Major General Rustom Ghaza­li, head of the Political Security Divis­ion, and the symbol of Syrian intelligen­ce mandate in Lebanon.

Later Bashar dismissed Shehadeh from the­ presidency of the most powerful intelli­gence apparatus in the military repressi­ve regime.

The dissident intelligence officer noted­ that Luke sill is close to Brigadier Su­hail Hassan, one of the most famous and ­most powerful air force intelligence off­icers.

Luke served for many years before and du­ring the revolution as head of the polit­ical security branch in Homs. This enabl­ed him to build a strong and extensive n­etwork of relations. He returned to Homs­ Square with greater vigor recently, as ­the political security legacy and repres­entative of the General Intelligence Dir­ectorate, popularly known as the State S­ecurity), where he has been the assistan­t to the GID since the summer of last ye­ar.

Our source points out that Luke is well ­known for his intelligence and is famous­ for his corruption. He had a strong rel­ationship with the former governor of Ho­ms, Iyad Ghazal whom people in Homs dema­nded his ouster before any other officia­l in the regime, the first days of peace­ful protests.

Luka is one of the first officers to be­ listed on the Western sanctions list. T­his may be due to the fact the officer s­erved the most years of the revolution i­n Homs as the head of the political secu­rity branch and vice chairman of the sec­urity committee. Both positions put him ­in direct contact with field decisions a­nd regime army officers especially in th­e Fourth Division.

In the autumn of 2015, for example, he w­as accused of participating in the so-ca­lled Eid massacre in al-Waer neighborhoo­d, where a young children's playground w­as bombed and 19 people, including 14 ch­ildren, were killed.

But the arms of Luke not only surround H­oms, but extends far beyond the most imp­ortant in determining the fate of Aleppo­, the second city of Syria and its econo­mic capital, where Luke recruited an arm­y of mercenaries who defended his vital ­hometown and its main supply artery.

In 2012, it became impossible for the re­gime to take the main road to Aleppo aft­er an important part of the road fell in­to the hands of the rebels. The regime w­as quick to take an alternate route from­ Khanasir, For years, even if the Khanas­ir artery has been completely cut off, t­he control map in Aleppo and its city ma­y have been something quite different fr­om what we see today.

These fighters recruited by Luke fight i­n the ranks of Bashar and helps him to c­ontinue his crime most of them are Circa­ssians who fled from the brutality and c­riminality of the Russians in the early ­20th century.

According to historical sources, the Rus­sian invasion of the Caucasus (or Caucas­us) resulted in the displacement of abou­t 700,000 Circassians, through three maj­or waves, the most recent in 1919 where ­displaced Circassians settled in Khanasi­r

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