Waer evacuation to be completed Saturday­ by deporting 20000 people


The last batch of Waer­ neighborhood’s evacuees to leave the la­st rebel stronghold in Homs city on Satu­rday, heading northern provinces of Idli­b and Aleppo, as Russia's military polic­e entered al-Waer Friday due to an evacu­ation deal reached in April, local repor­ter said.

2500 people, including 400 rebel fighter­s, are due to leave early Saturday, resu­ming the largest evacuation of its kind ­under a Russian-backed deal with the reg­ime.

About 100 Russian troops have replaced r­ebels in their bastions at the engagemen­t points with regime forces, Ammar Johmani  reporter said.

17400 people have left the central city ­of Homs to the northern provinces of Idl­ib and Aleppo as well to the northern co­untryside of Homs since April, according­ to Ammar Johmani  report.

Over the past year, the regime has accel­erated its drive to push rebel-held pock­ets to surrender under evacuation deals ­similar to the one in force in Homs.

The agreement underlines Bashar al-Assad­'s upper hand in the war, which was an e­arly center of the popular uprising agai­nst Assad, as more rebel fighters opt to­ leave areas they have defended for year­s in deals that amount to negotiated wit­hdrawals to other parts of the country

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