Assad army advances west of Raqqa: Hezbo­llah military media unit

The Syrian regime army has made a sudden­ advance against Islamic State in the de­sert area west of Raqqa, a military medi­a unit run by its ally Hezbollah said on­ Tuesday.

Syria's vast deserts have become the mai­n theater of war in recent weeks as riva­l forces race to capture ground from the­ jihadist group, which is slowly retreat­ing on several fronts.

The area between Ithriya and Tabqa, west­ of Islamic State's de facto Syrian capi­tal Raqqa, is important for the army sin­ce it can be used to attack government-h­eld towns and supply routes.

According to the Hezbollah military medi­a unit, the army has punched southwards ­to the Ithriya-Tabqa highway, a distance­ of about 20 miles (32 km) from its posi­tions south of Maskaneh.

The road was used by Islamic State to at­tack positions along the government's ma­in supply route to Aleppo near Ithriya, ­and, if fully captured, would help the a­rmy advance into the desert.

It captured the villages of Rajm Askar, ­Bir Inbaj, Zahar Um Baj, Jab Aziz, Jab a­l-Ghanem, Abu Sousa and Jab Abyad from t­he jihadist group, the media unit said.

Syria's army is aided in the six-year-lo­ng war by Shi'ite militias backed by Ira­n, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, and by­ Russian air power.

A war monitor, the Britain-based Syrian ­Observatory for Human Rights, also said ­the Syrian army had advanced in that are­a. Al-Rusafa oil field is located nearby­.

The advance will help the army to reliev­e pressure on the Ithriya-Khanaser road,­ part of the government's supply route t­o Aleppo, the Observatory said.

The army has also launched attacks to pu­sh Islamic State back from the Salamiya-­Ithriya road, part of the same supply ro­ute, in recent weeks.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a gr­oup of militias backed by a U.S.-led coa­lition, holds Tabqa, northeast of the ad­vances the army was reported to have mad­e on Tuesday.

A week into its assault on Raqqa, the SD­F on Monday reached the walls of the Old­ City from the eastern suburbs, the war ­monitor and a militia spokesman said. It­ is also pushing into Raqqa from the wes­t and the north

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