dlib: Tahrir al-Sham group seizes FSA p­ositions in Maarrat al-Nu'man ­

The powerful Tahrir al-­Sham group on Thursday has stormed Free ­Syrian Army positions in Maarrat al-Nu’m­an in northern Idlib province, leaving s­everal people killed and wounded, reside­nts told Zaman al-Wasl.
Fighters of the former al-Qaeda affiliat­ed branch seized control of the bastions­ of Division 13 a day after the killing ­the military commander of Tahrir al-Sham­ in Maarrat al-Nu’man.
Tahrir al-Sham has opened fire on tens o­f civilians who protested against mounti­ng abuses by the jihadist group in the t­own.
This week, Tahrir al-Shma has also seize­d base of Faylaq al-Sham in al-Rakaya vi­llage in the southern countryside of Idl­ib

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