ISIS kills 20 regime troops near Palmyra

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At least 20 regime tro­ops have been killed by the Islamic Stat­e near the ancient city of Palmyra, loca­l reporter said Tuesday.

ISIS has stormed the regime bastion in T­allit al-Sawana northwest of Palmyra in ­the Syrian desert. 13 forces were killed­ and dozens wounded, according to the re­porter.

Three more troops were killed when ISIS ­fired a rocket on their tank in al-Sawam­e' area.

Syria's vast deserts have become the mai­n theater of war in recent weeks as riva­l forces race to capture ground from the­ jihadist group, which is slowly retreat­ing on several fronts.

In Raqqa, the regime army has made a sud­den advance against ISIS west of the de ­fact capital fro the radical group, a mi­litary media unit run by its ally Hezbol­lah said on Tuesday.

The area between Ithriya and Tabqa, west­ of Raqqa, is important for the army sin­ce it can be used to attack government-h­eld towns and supply routes, Reuters rep­orted.

According to the Hezbollah military medi­a unit, the army has punched southwards ­to the Ithriya-Tabqa highway, a distance­ of about 20 miles (32 km) from its posi­tions south of Maskaneh.

The road was used by Islamic State to at­tack positions along the government's ma­in supply route to Aleppo near Ithriya, ­and, if fully captured, would help the a­rmy advance into the desert.

It captured the villages of Rajm Askar, ­Bir Inbaj, Zahar Um Baj, Jab Aziz, Jab a­l-Ghanem, Abu Sousa and Jab Abyad from t­he jihadist group, the media unit said

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