MBC TV series of extremism and hate media

In every Ramadan season, Arab viewers are accustomed to a new series of different series, which deal with various social issues, including trying to pass messages or viewpoints, including highlighting specific problems and presenting them in ways that do not exceed religious boundaries. MBC has led the public scene, which has undergone drastic changes in television work. The Saudi-funded channel has become a forum for spreading poisons and attempts to provoke controversy in issues of social cohesion and beyond religious boundaries and customs without any deterrent!

In Ramadan 2017 MBC included a series of series and programs, all revolves around the same orbit, which is "fighting extremism and avoidance of it," but this pretext soon emerged from the declared course to directly encroach on the sanctities and symbols of Islam, in a scene mixed between extremism and hate media MBC appeared in the series "Gharabib Sud", which gathered in one trench a mix of Arab actors controversial with a crew of Gulf businessmen Shiites accused of loyalty to Iran.

The propaganda accompanying the series "Grapeb Sod" claims that it reveals facts that have not previously been exposed to state organization and claims that the image of civilian life is being transferred under the control of the organization. But the reality is that the series hides away from the stated goal of "exposing the organization" He wants to finance the project, as it deliberately cut off certain events and ignore the other in a serious and thoughtful, as the series completely departs from the circumstances and the reasons in which the organization grew up and which bear repressive regimes the greatest responsibility.

The series, which was commissioned according to the official media more than ten million US dollars, is based on scenes of three main rules, the first oversimplification of the scenes of women and highlighting the stories and social problems invented by the writer of his mind, including that "women Awanas" go to areas "calling" for purposes Sexual, and the serial was linked in a dirty way between the Islamic veil and those shocking stories.

The second rule covered by the series is a review of the children's pictures and the so-called "caliphs of the caliphate" and attempts to evoke scenes of their horrific abuse. The children appear to be subjected to sexual assault by elements of the organization in the form that the children in the areas of "Daash" live like animal pens, For millions of children and civilians forced to stay in their homes under the control of the organization by virtue of circumstances.

The third rule, which is the most dangerous, was the link between the abhorrent practices, the violations and the crimes presented by the series, and between the Holy Quran and the honorable hadiths. What the viewer feels is that the violations are related to religion and the religious ones, and here lies the disaster in the series. The episodes of memorizing the Quran appear as a source of extremism and bombings. Violation by the organization in the serial verse of the Koran or a Hadith.

On the ground it is no secret that the practices of state organization are terrible to a large extent, from the siege of innocents to bombing, slaughter and bombings, but the work of MBC resorted to the fabrication of lies known to all those who lived under the control of the organization that it did not occur at all, and show serial episodes gradually fingerprints The term "jihad of marriage", which is the focus of the writer in most of the scenes, we all know that it is a lie invented by the Shiite media, "Ghassan bin Jaddo," known for his loyalty to the militia of Hezbollah and the government of Tehran, as well as dozens of terms and similar stories not enough for one article to review .

Despite the fact that the Syrian regime's exposure to the organization of the state is hardly a point in the sea of ​​crimes of the Assad regime and the Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan militias and other movements that fight the Syrian people for religious sectarian motives, but the station deliberately over the years of the revolution ignored the suffering of the Syrian people Her work.

Of course, if we assume that the crimes of Assad and the militias of Iran fall within the limits are not allowed to MBC exceeded and revealed that the direction available to the channel is only to confront the movements of extremism attributed to the Sunnis, it is naive to think that the work presented by MBC now aims to solve social issues or highlight the The suffering of the people because of the war, but it was evident that MBC exploited the societal imbalance which was the organization of the state to cause, to spread poisons and beliefs trying to blow the principles of religion in a crude rude

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