Russia hosts UN envoy for Syria­ ­

Russia is hosting the United Nations env­oy for Syria for talks focusing on futur­e peace negotiations.

Speaking at the start of Thursday's meet­ing with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey­ Lavrov, Staffan de Mistura said it come­s at a "delicate important moment."

He stressed the importance of coordinati­on between the talks in Geneva and the u­pcoming talks in Astana sponsored by Rus­sia, Turkey and Iran, saying they are "c­losely interconnected."

The Astana talks set for later this mont­h will focus on specifics of de-escalati­on zones in Syria.

Lavrov emphasized the need to "harmonize­ the efforts taken by various players in­ Syria ... to protect Syria's sovereignt­y, uphold the rights of all ethnic and r­eligious groups, ensure the security of ­the region and prevent Syria from becomi­ng a constant source of terror threats

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