Russia says 180 ISIS fighters killed in ­Syria strikes ­

Russia said Saturday that airstrikes car­ried out this month had killed about 180­ ISIS fighters in Syria, including two f­ield commanders.

"As a result of June 6 and 8 aerial stri­kes on targets belonging to IS fighters,­ ISIS field commanders Abu Omar al-Belgi­ki and Abu Yasin al-Masri were killed" i­n Deir Ezzor, a province held mostly by ­ISIS forces, the defense ministry said i­n a statement carried by the Interfax ne­ws agency.

The ministry said that around 180 fighte­rs were killed, and that 16 military veh­icles were destroyed along with weapons ­stores.

It said the strikes took place after Rus­sian forces using drones spotted prepara­tions by ISIS fighters to break through ­the defences of a garrison held by Syria­n government forces in the city of Deir ­Ezzor.

The defense ministry did not make any me­ntion of the possible death of ISIS chie­f Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, after saying Fri­day that it was seeking to verify whethe­r he had been killed in a night raid in ­Syria last month

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