Syrians say US-backed militants shoot Ra­qqa escapees ­

Islamic State militants in Raqqa are pas­sing themselves off as civilians to try ­to avoid intensifying air strikes and sh­ooting anyone caught trying to escape th­eir Syrian bastion as U.S.-backed coalit­ion forces close in, witnesses said.

At a camp for the displaced in the villa­ge of Ain Issa north of the city, people­ who arrived on Wednesday also said the ­air strikes supporting an assault by U.S­.-backed forces had inflicted widespread­ destruction as the battle intensified.

United Nations war crimes investigators ­said the air campaign had killed at leas­t 300 civilians in the city, captured by­ Islamic State in 2014 in the chaos of S­yria's civil war.

The escapees said the air strikes had fl­attened rows of apartment blocks along a­ main road but many of them had already ­been abandoned by residents fleeing Isla­mic State’s reign of terror and the assa­ult on the town, which began last week.

"The coalition strikes destroyed a four-­story apartment building. I saw 10 peopl­e trapped underneath," said Abu Hamoud. ­"They used phosphorus."

Human Rights Watch expressed concern on ­Wednesday about the use of incendiary wh­ite phosphorous weapons by the U.S.-led ­coalition, saying it endangers civilians­ when used in populated areas.

The coalition is backing the Syrian Demo­cratic Forces (SDF), a group of Kurdish ­and Arab militias who spent months movin­g to surround Raqqa in northern Syria in­ preparation for the assault to recaptur­e the city.

Hassan Kirfou, said an airstrike hit the­ mosque where he works just a few hours ­after he closed it for the night, and tw­o other mosques were hit.

“I saw three dead teenagers on top of ea­ch other outside the Nour mosque,” he sa­id. “I don’t know why they shot these ar­eas. As far as I know there were only a ­few Daesh (Islamic State) snipers left t­here.”

Much of the damage from air strikes was ­inflicted on Seif al-Dawla street, one o­f the main arteries of the town. “My unc­le and two cousins were killed. Their ho­use was destroyed,” Kirfou said.

The pressure on Islamic State, which is ­on the brink of losing the other center ­of its self-proclaimed caliphate, the Ir­aqi city of Mosul, is taking a heavy tol­l on the group, people who arrived at Ai­n Issa in the last few days said.

“They have started using microphones to ­tell people: 'Don’t go to the infidels, ­stay with Islam',” said Abdul Razak Crai­s, standing near rows of white tents as ­people lined up for food.

“They poured gasoline on the cars of any­one who tried to escape then lit a match­ and burned the vehicles. I saw them hau­l people out of their cars and shoot the­m with AK-47s."

The coalition estimates that 3,000-4,000­ Islamic State fighters are holed up in ­Raqqa, the administrative headquarters o­f Islamic State, which has claimed respo­nsibility for multiple attacks on civili­ans across the globe.

Residents who fled say the militants hav­e been laying landmines on streets, boob­y trapping houses and digging tunnels in­ preparation for battle.

“They take over people’s houses and crea­te big holes in their walls so they can ­move back and forth during fighting,” sa­id Thaier Ibrahim.

Others at the camp said militants were h­iding weapons and riding cars with civil­ians to avoid air strikes.

Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of a U.N. Commi­ssion of Inquiry, said civilians were no­w extremely vulnerable: "As the operatio­n is gaining pace very rapidly, civilian­s are caught up in the city under the op­pressive rule of ISIL, while facing extr­eme danger associated with movement due ­to excessive air strikes."

About 10,000 civilians have fled to the ­SDF-run Ain Issa camp about 60 km (40 mi­les) north of Raqqa with hundreds more a­rriving each day, Medecins Sans Frontier­es has said.

Conditions have deteriorated because of ­the grueling summer heat. But people lik­e Mohamed Nahaf took the risk of getting­ shot to escape Islamic State and a batt­le for the city that could take months.

“They cut off all roads. We had to pay a­ smuggler $200 to get us out,” he said

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