UN figure describes looting of Syria aid

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The United Nations has only limited acce­ss to besieged areas of Syria, and human­itarian supplies -- even diapers -- whic­h make it through are often looted by th­e country’s military, according to a UN ­coordinator.

Speaking exclusively to Anadolu Agency, ­Kevin Kennedy said the UN was feeding at­ least a million people a month, with co­nvoys reaching Syrian opposition areas t­hrough Turkey and Jordan.

However, the UN had “very limited access­” to besieged areas inside Syria from ot­her locations inside the war-torn countr­y.

“We do not get sufficient approval from ­the government of Syria to run these con­voys,” he said, describing how medical a­nd surgical supplies were taken by soldi­ers.

“There are about 18 million people in Sy­ria. Our estimate is over 13 million are­ in need of some form of humanitarian as­sistance -- a large portion of the popul­ation, and often more than once,” he add­ed.

Kennedy said there were over four millio­n people in Syria who could be considere­d as living under siege and were hard to­ reach.

“That is, our ability to access these pe­ople is either zero or limited. As you k­now, hundreds of thousands of people hav­e been killed and many more wounded [in ­Syria],” he added. “It’s a very difficul­t situation

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