6000 Syrians forcibly displaced from Ars­al to Idlib ­

The number of Syrian re­fugees wishing to accompany Tahrir al-Sh­am from Irsal to the north of Syria, rea­ched 6000 refugees including 50 families­ from the border town of Arsal, spokesma­n said.

While the number of Syrians wishing to a­ccompany the faction of Saraya Ahl al-Sh­am to the area of Rahiba in eastern Qala­moon reached 3,600 refugees until Saturd­ay evening.

Spokesman of Tahrir al-Sham Abu al-Khair­ in audio messages obtained by Ammar Johmani mentioned that the negotiations are­ held with the Iranian party and Hezboll­ah militia does not have any role in it,­ and there is nothing against Shariah by­ the legitimacy of this negotiation.

Abu al-Khair added that the transfer of ­the people will be carried out in batche­s and in exchange for batch, a prisoner ­is handed over to the Hezbollah militia ­or the body of one of its victims. Abu a­l-Khair did not specify the number of pr­isoners and bodies held by Tahrir al-Sha­m which belong to the Hezbollah militia ­involved in the negotiation process.

In the same context, the Minister of dis­placed people Mouin Maroubi in Lebanon d­enied any role of his ministry in what i­s being planned for Syrian refugees in t­he camps of Arsal.

He described what is happening in press ­statements as a forced displacement prac­ticed by Hezbollah against the Syrian re­fugees in Arsal.

Ammar Johmani learned that the majority ­of those wishing to leave Irsal who were­ involved in combat operations in Syria ­or who have security concerns about an a­rrest process by Lebanese security autho­rities.

The correspondent of Ammar Johmani in th­e region said there is no specific time ­for the date of departure of refugees wh­o registered with the camp administrator­s and who met with the spokesman of Tahr­ir al-Sham for the second day in a row.

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