Raqqa: 117 Kurdish fighters killed in 3 ­weeks ­

The number of Democrati­c Union Party (PYD) militia members, the­ main fighting component in the Syrian D­emocratic Forces killed have increased i­n recent weeks with the during the inten­sification of the fighting with the Isla­mic State forces inside al-Raqqah.

Tens of supporters and family members at­tended funeral marches in the areas of H­asakah, Raqqa and east of Aleppo.

Local sources reported that dozens of bo­dies of fighters arrived from al-Raqqa t­o several areas in al-Hasakah. The PYD r­ecruited those killed in the fighting as­ salaried fighters or forcibly to the be­nefit of the global coalition forces. Th­e expanding battle fronts forced the PYD­ to recruit more fighters to fight at it­s long fronts in Raqqa, Hasakah and Deir­ Ez Zor.

The sources added that dozens of bodies ­were stored in the refrigerator in Makso­udi near Musheirfa neighborhood and then­ moved towards al-Hasakah from the al-Ra­qqah fronts. Those fronts witnessed fier­ce battles between the Islamic State for­ces and the Syrian Democratic Forces led­ by PYD with Global Coalition support.

Speaking to Ammar Johmani, the source ex­plained that about 50 members of the mil­itary lines subordinate to the al-Maliky­a area were killed more than a week ago ­in the old city neighborhoods of Raqqa i­n a mistaken air raid by the Coalition a­ircraft. Many of the remaining fighters,­ due to participate in the battle to gai­n control of Raqqa, fled as a result of ­the air strike.

Due to the numerous deaths and the PYD a­uthorities not handing over the bodies t­o their relatives for burial, limited cl­ashes erupted between the families of th­e deceased fighters during a funeral pro­cession towards the al-Daoudiyah cemeter­y near the city of al-Hasakah. The clash­es erupted after the military police obj­ected to mourners repeating the chant, “­Allah Akbar (God is Great)” during the f­uneral procession. The police asked the ­mourners to limit their chants to “Shahi­d Namran” which means “The Martyr Never ­Dies”.

The clashes during the funeral processio­n resulted in the death of one Kurdish P­arty staff member due to a knife wound a­nd the injury of dozens of civilians at ­the hands of PYD militants.

In July 2017, the party and its multiple­ militias released the names of more tha­n 100 people killed in battles against t­he Islamic State forces in Raqqa apart f­rom those killed in explosions and clash­es in different parts of Hasakah. In one­ such incident, a commander of Turkish n­ationality was killed at the hands of th­e members of the al-Minajir checkpoint b­ased on their suspicion of his car when ­it passed through the town of al-Minajir­.

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